Second Sunday in May
Mothers Day is a time to remember our mothers and grandmothers.  It is a time to reflect on all the sacrifices and caring and nurturing our mothers and grandmothers gave and give to us.

It is a time to show them in some small way that they are very special to us.

I would like to share some memories of my mother.

In all the world
There is no other
Who can take the place
Of my dear mother.

My mother passed away March 9, 1998  but I will always remember her smiles, laughter and intelligence.  Mother always seemed to know everything.

She often helped me with my homework when I was a child.

I loved her cooking.
I especially remember her delicious fried chicken that she baked every Sunday.  In the summer she would take it out to our screened in porch and everyone enjoyed the good weather and tasty chicken.
I also remember that Mother was my  Brownie Scout Leader. We had some great times together.  We worked on girl scout badges together and sewed together.
She planned all kinds of parties for me.  We planned a scavenger hunt party and a slumber party together in addition to birthday parties and halloween parties.

My mother was an avid reader and worked in a book store.  I loved the books she brought home for us to read.  We would also go to the library too and I can remember her reading to me.

. Later she worked in a clothing store. I always felt that Mother would bring home the cutest clothes for me. When I got a little older I wanted to pick out my own things so we rode the bus downtown and ate at a restaurant. My favorite restaurant was the Purple Cow. They served the best Hot Fudge Sundaes.

Then we would go shopping.  Mother would always smooth things over with Dad if we spent too much.

She was my best friend.  She encouraged me in my goals to become a teacher and

counseled me when I dated and

helped plan my wedding.

She always journalized our vacations and made sure that we learned about the historical sites along the way. She was always a teacher. She was a great wife to my Dad too.

As she got older Rheumatoid Arthritis crippled Mother and she was forced to use a wheel chair.  She seldom complained even though I know she was in extreme pain as her knurled fingers and body became more deformed.  She was a very strong woman.
After Dad died Mother lived with my husband, children and I for 10 years.
Mother shared our wonderful family heritage with my children.

I am very thankful for my mother.

Those gifts and more will always be fondly remembered.

Remember to thank your mother for her kindness and your special memories.

Remember to make special memories with your children too.

Have a Wonderful Mother's Day.

You may have tangible wealth untold; caskets of jewels and coffers of gold.

Richer than I you can never be, I had a mother who read to me.

Strickland Gillilan